Saturday, 7 May 2016

Second International Workshop on Vehicular Adhoc Networks for Smart Cities

Second International Workshop on Vehicular Adhoc Networks for Smart Cities

After the first successful edition of the IWVSC'2014, the second edition
will be held again in Kuala Lumpur. Vehicular communication is a key technology
in intelligent transportation systems. For many years now, the academic and
industrial research communities have been investigating these communications in
order to improve efficiency and safety of future transportation. Vehicular
networking will offer a wide variety of applications, including safety
applications as well as infotainment applications. More generally, future
communicating cars will evolve in a more intelligent environment also called
smart cities. In this context, the interaction between intelligent vehicles and
intelligent infrastructures will influence each other, to achieve each other
targets. In one hand, the car drivers (or automated cars) want to travel in an
efficient and safe manner and in the other hand smart cities would try to offer
the best life conditions for citizens by reducing air pollution and noise for the
inhabitants, and reducing traffic congestion with a better traffic information
system for car drivers. Efficient interaction between vehicles and smart cities
infrastructures is naturally needed to reach these goals.
At the same time the set of the communicating vehicles is seen as an Internet of
Vehicles (IoV) platform providing several interesting capacities. First with the
increasing number of sensors embedded on vehicles, a large variety of information
can be collected and exploited not only by vehicles but also by other stakeholders
(car markers, insurance companies, cities authorities, …). Second, the computing
and storage capacities available on vehicles can form a vehicular cloud that can be
exploited by third parties. Future smart cities are well placed and a natural
candidate to take profit from these extraordinary mobile infrastructures.
IWVSC'2016 aims at providing a forum and to bring together people from both academia
and industry, to discuss recent developments in vehicular networking technologies and
their interaction with future smart cities in order to promote further research
activities and challenges.
We solicit technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research,
not currently under review by another conference or journal.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications
• Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications for smart cities
• Medium access control protocols for VANETs
• Routing protocols for active safety in VANETs
• Geographical routing protocols for VANETs
• Architectures, algorithms and protocols design for data dissemination, processing, and aggregation in vehicular networks
• Security, privacy in vehicular networks
• QoS provisioning for vehicular networks
• Vehicular clouds: architecture design, algorithms and protocols for smart cities
• Software defined networking and virtualization for vehicles
• Vehicular social networks
• Group mobility/Platooning/Autonomous driving in smart cities
• 5G technologies for vehicular communications
• Simulation and performance evaluation techniques for vehicular networks
• Results from experimental systems and testbeds for VANET

Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2016
Camera-ready version: July 6, 2016
Workshop date: August 14, 2016

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