Thursday, 31 March 2016

Call of Paper ICT Journal Volume

The Journal of Science and Technology publishes an issue on Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). The journal issue provides online,
open-access, peer-reviewed manuscripts of original
contributions in ICT-related areas. Manuscripts of both theoretical
contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and
practical contributions (including system experiments/prototypes/platforms,
and new applications) can be submitted to the ICT journal issue.

The published papers of the ICT journal can be viewed
at (under “Published Contents”). The 3rd ICT journal
volume welcomes manuscript submissions of research contributions in the
theme of “Emerging Information and Communications Technologies”.
The specific topics under the theme include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- Information/network security, internet/web based systems/products,
  data mining, social networking, human-computer intelligent interaction,
  big data, internet of things green ICT, artificial intelligence (AI);
- Information theory, communications theory, signal processing for
  communications, wireless communications, cognitive radio, millimeter wave
  communications, massive MIMO, full-duplex wireless communications,
  5G cellular networks.

The timetable of the 3rd ICT journal volume is as follows:
- Manuscript submission: May 15, 2016;
- Review notification:   August 15, 2016;
- Publication:           September 15, 2016.

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The 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems - ICUMT 2016

The 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems - ICUMT 2016
October 18 - 20, 2016
Lisbon, Portugal

Important Dates:

Deadline for Full Paper Submission: June 10, 2016
Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 12, 2016
Final Paper Submission: August 26, 2016
Authors' Early Registration: August 26, 2016
Authors' Late Registration: September 9, 2016

The 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems - ICUMT 2016 is an IEEE technically co-sponsored (approved) premier annual international congress providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers in telecommunications, control, automation and robotics targeted on newly emerging systems, standards, services, and applications. ICUMT 2016, organized by Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic and Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Instituto Superior TÈcnico Lisboa, Portugal, and Polytechnic Institute of Set˙bal, Portugal will be held in Congress Centre of Instituto Superior TÈcnico Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal on 18 ñ 20 October, 2016.

Call for papers is available via

The aim of ICUMT is to bring together international players in telecommunications, robotics and control systems. The congress consists of two open call tracks, workshops and industrial panels. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers including technical novelties and tutorial overviews in the areas including but not limited to:

Telecommunications track (ICUMT-T)
* 4G / 5G mobile systems and services
* Wireless access technologies, related systems and protocols
* Internet of Things
* Green communications
* Ultra-wideband communications (UWB)
* Underwater communications
* Low-layer wireless technologies
* Information and coding theory
* Digital broadcasting technologies and services
* Pervasive computing and smart environment
* Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)
* Social networks
* e-Commerce, Mobile Commerce, e-Government, e-Learning and e-Health
* Bio-inspired/Bio-oriented Networks
* Location techniques and location-based services LBS
* Broadband satellite and HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station) Technologies
* Information security technologies
* Web technologies
* Multimedia & Internet systems, services and standards
* Mobile Internet, Internet telephony (VoIP, MoIP) and IPTV
* Network management, operation and maintenance
* Optical networking technologies and applications
* Communication network topology and planning
* Systems & software engineering aspects
* GRID, distributed computing technologies and services
* IT services technologies

Control Systems, Automation and Robotics track (ICUMT-CS) * Control Systems
* Neural networks
* Fuzzy systems
* Genetic algorithms
* Control engineering education
* Robotics and automation
* Industrial networks and automation
* Intelligent warehouses
* Modeling, simulation and architectures
* Vision, recognition and reconstruction
* Virtual and augmented reality
* Biomedical instrumentation and applications
* Petri nets

Perspective authors for regular papers, workshops and industrial sessions, please visit the conference website for more details. For regular sessions, authors are invited to submit 6-page full papers according to the posted guidelines. Only electronic submissions will be accepted via the EDAS system at: Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the Congress and at least one author of each paper MUST register for the Congress in order for the papers to be included in the proceedings.

The accepted and presented papers will be sent for the indexing in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (WoS - ISI Proceedings).

ICUMT 2016 Committee

Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Filipe Cardoso, Polytechnic Institute of Set˙bal, Portugal
Jiri Hosek, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Luis Correia, IST ñ University of Lisbon, Portugal
Luisa Caeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Set˙bal, Portugal

Jenq-Shiou Leu, NTUST U., Taiwan
Ladislav Venc, AT&T, Czech Republic

Juha Roning, University of Oulu, Finland
LÈonard Janer GarcÌa, TecnoCampus, Spain

Ivan Ganchev, University of Limerick, Ireland
Pavel Masek, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Marilia Curado, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Ninoslav Marina, U. IST St. Paul the Apostle, Macedonia

Matteo Bianchi, University of Pisa, Italy
Roberto Dorigo, Electrolux GTC, Italy

Sergey Andreev, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Norbert Herencsar, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Edison Pignaton de Freitas, Federal U. of Santa Maria, Brazil
Feng Xia, Dalian U. of Technology, China
Aslihan Kartci, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Franz Krˆpfl, Telekom Austria Group, Austria
Boris Moltchanov, Telecom Italia, Italy

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Monday, 21 March 2016

IEEE Sarnoff 2016: Call for Papers

IEEE Sarnoff 2016: Call for Papers

Since 1978, the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium has been bringing together
telecom and communications experts from industry, universities,
and governments. The Sarnoff Symposium continues to grow as a premier
forum in the northeastern United States for researchers, engineers,
and business executives, drawing an attendance from all over the world. Besides technical sessions, the Symposium will include keynotes, invited talks, expert panels, tutorials, demo/exhibits and poster

The Symposium is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers, panels
and tutorial proposals including, but not limited to, the following

* 4G/5G Communications
* Network Architecture
* Cloud and data center networks
* Network Design
* Cognitive radio and opportunistic networks
* Network Performance
* Communications and Information Theory
* Internet-of-Things
* Cyber-physical systems and networks
* Optical Communications
* Green networking and Sustainability
* Optical Networking
* M-Health, E-Health and Smart Health-care
* Self Configuring Networks
* Mobile Networks
* Smart Cities and Communities
* Near field communications
* Software-Defined Networks
* Network Function Virtualization
* Standardization Efforts and Needs
* Cloud Computing
* Security, Trust, and Privacy
* Network architectures for Smart Infrastructures
* UAV, Underwater and Underground Communications
* Network virtualization
* Wireless Communications
* Networked Applications and Services
* Wireless Networks
* Network Analytics
* Wireless Sensor Networks

Important Dates:

* Paper submissions: April 15, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2016
* Camera-Ready Paper Submission and Author Registration: July 29, 2016
* Conference dates: September 19-21, 2016

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2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) 14th and 15th November 2016, Loughborough, UK

2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) 14th and 15th November 2016, Loughborough, UK

LAPC 2016, one of the largest annual European conferences dedicated to the fields of Antennas and Propagation. Now holding its twelfth event, LAPC has a truly global reach; more than half our papers in 2015 came from outside the UK and we regularly attract 200 to 250 participants each year. LAPC 2016 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and the Institution of Engineering and Technology. LAPC 2016 will be held at the award-winning 4-star Burleigh Court Hotel located centrally in the UK, just a 10 minute drive from the East Midlands Airport. LAPC 2016 provides a convenient, comfortable and friendly environment for networking and offers a productive opportunity for increasing research impact and mobility. A range of leading companies associated with the AP fields will also be there showcasing cutting edge technology, modeling software and materials.

Topics of interest (not limited to)

Antenna theory, design and measurements
Indoor and outdoor propagation
Earth-space and terrestrial propagation
Circuits, feeds and matching networks for antennas
Biomedical applications and effects of antennas
Metamaterials, EBG, FSS and active materials
Computational and numerical techniques
Near fields and coupling
Energy harvesting and scavenging
On-body antennas and channels
Emerging AP trends
Please visit for full details on the scope of the conference.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 30th May
Acceptance notification: 22nd July
Corrected manuscript upload deadline: 22nd August
Early-bird registration end: 16th September
Conference: 14th – 15th November
FREE EM Workshops: 16th November
Special Sessions for Invited Guest Speakers

Radar Sensing and Industrial Applications
mm-Wave Antennas and Applications
Advances in the use of Graphene for Antenna and Component Design
Latest Developments in Antenna Measurements and Simulations

Monday, 14 March 2016

The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE'16)

The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE'16) that will take place in Aachen/Germany, September 26-29. Please consider to contribute and distribute this call to your students and colleagues.

Full length Research Papers (6 pages) and Poster abstracts (3 pages) are sought that address solutions to problems in all areas of wireless sensing and communication in space and extreme environments related to spaceflight, including but not limited to the following topics:
 - Wireless sensors, systems, and networks
 - Delay and disruption tolerant networks
 - Network architectures, middleware integration, and data management
 - Big data processing and data fusion techniques
 - Wireless privacy, security and routing techniques
 - Localization, detection, classification and tracking methods
 - Antenna design and processing
 - Integrated vehicle systems and robotics
 - RFID devices and systems
 - Propagation modeling and channel description
 - Optical communication systems
 - Availability, certification, and spaceflight qualification for wireless devices and systems
 - Multi-carrier systems, spread spectrum techniques, and Cognitive radio networks
 - High speed, low latency, and multi stream data techniques (Full-duplex, LTE, MIMO)

In parallel to the main conference, three workshops are organized to cover a wide range of applications and to further promote the following topics:
 - Passive Wireless Sensor Technology (PWST)
 - Wireless Optical Systems and Applications (WOSA)
 - Space-Terrestrial Internetworking (STINT)

Important Dates:
 - Submission deadline special sessions: April 1, 2016
 - Submission deadline full papers and posters: April 1, 2016
 - Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2016
 - IEEE PDF eXpress version due: July 1, 2016
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Saturday, 5 March 2016

IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium Washington, DC USA

IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium Washington, DC USA
Call for Papers: IEEE GLOBECOM 2016
Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium

December 4-8, 2016 | Washington, DC USA

- Paper submission: April 1, 2016
- Paper acceptance notification: July 1, 2016
- Camera-ready papers due: August 1, 2016

In modern communication networks, different technologies need to cooperate with each other for end-to-end quality of service (QoS) provisioning, support a wide range of multi-media applications with a huge number of customers represented not only by humans, but more and more by things and robots interconnected to each other and to data centers. The Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling (CQRM) Symposium aims at providing an international venue for the discussion of research advances in communications service provisioning, quality of service/experience technologies, and analytical and experimental techniques to allow the design of communication networks as a reliable information infrastructure with QoS capability. The scope of this symposium is agnostic to network technologies. Specifically, the goal is to address the key challenges to provide the required level of QoS, security and reliability to coexisting networks that are heterogeneous in the node characteristics, in!
  the number of nodes, and in the type of information transmitted.

Main Topics of Interest:

Networks and Communication Systems Design
- Design and Evaluation of Energy Efficient Networks and Services
- Design and Evaluation of Software Defined Networking (SDN) Architectures and Networks
- Design and Evaluation of Application / Service Oriented Networking
- Cross-layer Design, Modeling and Optimization
- Design and Evaluation of Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
- Design of Networks and Network Services
- Cooperative Networking and Unified Management of Connectivity
- Tradeoff Between Performance and Energy Efficiency in Network Design
- Design of network architectures/technologies for ubiquitous 5G multitenant networks

QoS and Network Efficiency
- Performance Evaluation Techniques
- Quality and Performance for Network and Services
- Quality, Scalability and Performance in the Internet
- Quality, Reliability and Performance in Optical and Multi-layer Networks
- Quality and Performance in Autonomic Systems
- Metrics and Models for Quality of Experience (QoE)
- TCP/IP Variants and Performance
- Multimedia Streaming, Adaptive Streaming, MPEG-DASH
- Quality and Efficiency for Web browsing, HTTP 2.0
- Quality in Multimedia Networks including Voice over IP and IPTV

Networks and Communication Systems Modeling and Performance Evaluation
- Quality and Performance in Wireless and Mobile Networks
- Wireless and Mobile Networks Performance
- Modeling and Performance of 5G wireless radio networks
- Performance of Mobile Cloud Networks
- Performance Evaluation of SDN-based Networks
- Performance and Efficiency of Energy Harvesting

Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
- Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
- Network Simulation Techniques
- Measurement and Evaluation Techniques of Energy Efficient Communication Systems
- Performance Evaluation and Design of Cognitive Network Architectures
- Performance Evaluation and Integration in Smart Grids Communications and Demand Response Techniques
- Network Traffic Characterization and Measurement
- Machine-Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Traffic/QoE Management
- Integrated Multitenant 5G Platforms

Design of Cloud, Grid and Distributed Computing Networks
- Quality and Performance in Grid, Distributed and Cloud Computing
- Quality and Performance in Overlay (including Peer-to-Peer) Networks
- Quality and Resource Allocation for Network Services, VPN, Web
- Performance Evaluation and Design of Cloud Networks
- Resource Allocation for Networks and Their Services
- Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)

Integration Aspects in IoT and Big Data Systems
- Quality, Measurements and Performance in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Applications
- IoT Platforms, Integration and Services
- Design and Scalability of Smart Cities and Crowd Sensing Applications
- Quality, Measurements and Performance in Cyber Physical Systems
- Scalability and Performance of Edge Computing and Distributed Computing Systems
- Integration of Objects, Devices and Systems in an IoT Environment

Security, Reliability and Trust in Network Design
- Security, Privacy and Trust by Design and Performance Evaluation
- Scalability, Robustness and Resilience
- Standardization Aspects of QoS and Reliability

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Complex Adaptive Systems 2016 Abstracts Due March 21

Complex Adaptive Systems 2016 Abstracts Due March 21
Researchers are invited to join us and collaborate on your findings at this year’s Complex Adaptive Systems 2016 Conference. It will be held November 2-4, 2016 in Los Angeles, CA, with the theme “Engineering Cyber Physical Systems: Applying Theory to Practice".

The main topics of the conference are: Intelligent & Adaptive Systems; Data Science & Analytics; Cyber Physical Systems; Emerging Technologies and Complexity; Business and Financial Analytics; and Next Generation Neural Networks.

Be a part of this conference by submitting an abstract now. You may upload your abstract of up to 200 words at the conference website

Accepted papers will be presented and published.
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IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference October 3-5, 2016 in Xi'an China

IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference 
October 3-5, 2016 in Xi'an China
Important Dates

2016-04-30       Draft Paper Deadline

2016-05-10       Notification Deadline

2016-05-20       Final Paper  Deadline

2016-05-20       Authors Registration

2016-10-3/5     Conference Dates

For more information, please visit

17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium Montreal Canada

17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium Montreal Canada

Call For Paper: September 26-28, 2016
More Info:

Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society


ERICSSON (Canada): Pierre Boucher, Research Director

GENI (US): Chip Elliott, GENI Futures Director

CIENA (US): Loudon Blair, Senior Director of Corporate Strategy


Full Paper Submission: April 4th 2016

Notification of Acceptance: June 6th 2016

Final Paper Submission: June 20th 2016

The prime focus of Networks 2016 is on Emerging Topics in Network Planning and Operations:

  • Software Defined Networking (SDN),
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV),
  • Cloud networking,
  • Big data analytics,
  • Cybersecurity issues and solutions,
  • OTT services and impact on service providers,
  • Social networks and impact on new services,
  • Vehicular and 5G networks and their challenges,
  • Smart cities,
  • Internet of Things,
  • Peer to peer networking,
  • New paradigms.
  • Network Design and Planning Methods
  • Economic Aspects of Network Planning and Operations
  • Network Planning Support Processes
  • Traffic Measurements and Modelling
  • Routing, Traffic Flows and Optimization
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