Transducer is a device which converts one form of energy into other. As in measurement system , measurand can be any physical quantity like displacement , stress , pressure etc but it is calculated in terms of electrical signals so that they can be processed, calibrated and recorded easily. So transducer is used to convert these physical signals into electrical signals.We can also say that transducer is a device which converts mechanical force into electrical signal.
Few Examples of Transducer:
1. Thermocouple which converts heat into electrical voltage.
2. Photoconductor which converts light intensity into change in resistance.
3. LVDT converts displacement into voltage change.
Classification of Transducers:
Passive Transducer: These devices derive power from auxiliary power source for transduction of signal.
Example POT
Active Transducer : These devices do not require any auxiliary power source for transduction of signal.
Examples thermocouple , tachogenerators, photovoltic cells.
Few Examples of Transducer:
1. Thermocouple which converts heat into electrical voltage.
2. Photoconductor which converts light intensity into change in resistance.
3. LVDT converts displacement into voltage change.
Classification of Transducers:
Passive Transducer: These devices derive power from auxiliary power source for transduction of signal.
Example POT
Active Transducer : These devices do not require any auxiliary power source for transduction of signal.
Examples thermocouple , tachogenerators, photovoltic cells.