Friday, 13 March 2020


Call for Papers: 2020 International Conference on Computer Science and Its Application in Agriculture (ICOSICA)

16 - 18 September 2020, Bogor, Indonesia

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, cordially invite students and researchers in the field of computer science to submit and present their latest research to the International Conference on Computer Science and Its Application in Agriculture (ICOSICA 2020). In the spirit of collaboration to fulfil the sustainable development goals, this year’s conference will bring the theme of smart and sustainable agriculture and maritime. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.

Conference Tracks
Track 1: Software Engineering and Information Science
Track 2: Computational Intelligence and Optimisation
Track 3: Computer System and Networks
Track 4: Innovative Computer Technology in Veterinary, Fishery and Agromaritime, Animal Science, Forestry, and Agricultural Engineering.

Important Dates
- Full Paper Submission: 7 June 2020
- Notification of Acceptance: 18 July 2020
- Final Paper Submission: 31 July 2020
- Conference Date: 16-18 September 2020

SSP 2020

The 2020 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) will be held from 12-15 July 2020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The SSP Workshop is a unique meeting that brings members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society together with researchers from allied fields such as bioinformatics, communications, machine learning, and statistics. The scientific program of SSP 2020 will include invited plenary talks, and regular and special sessions with contributed research papers. All submitted papers are reviewed by experts, and all accepted papers will be published on IEEEXplore.

We inform that the submission deadline has been postponed to March 20, 2020.

We invite submitting original research papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following areas:

Foundations, methods, and algorithms
• Detection and estimation theory
• Machine learning and pattern recognition
• Signal separation methods
• Data driven methods
• Bayesian techniques
• Sampling and reconstruction
• Signal and system modeling
• Adaptive signal processing
• Distributed signal processing
• Signal processing over graphs and networks
• Optimization techniques
• Sparsity-aware processing and compressive sensing
• Matrix and tensor methods

Application areas
• Bioinformatics and genomics
• Data science
• Internet of things and sensor networks
• Sensor array systems, radar and sonar
• Communication systems and networks
• Information forensics and security
• Medical and biomedical imaging
• Social networks
• Smart grids, power systems and industrial applications
• Geoscience and seismology
• Astrophysics
• Financial signal processing
• Quantum signal processing

2020 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

We cordially invite you to submit your paper to Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI) ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285, This journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control, robotics, telecommunication, computer engineering, computer science, information system, information technology and informatics from the global world. BEEI is published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with IAES Indonesia Section. This journal is ACCREDITED (recognised) by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI, Decree No: 60/E/KPT/2016) and indexed by SCOPUS (Elsevier)/ScimagoJR, CiteScore 2018: 1.90, SNIP 2018: 0.785 , SJR 2018: 0.43, SJR Q2 on Computer Science (miscellaneous), Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Instrumentation, C! omputer Networks and Communications, Control and Optimization, Control and Systems Engineering, Hardware and Architecture, and Information Systems categories. Beginning with issue 1 of volume 9 (2020), BEEI will be published as a bimonthly journal (6 issues/year).

CIoT 2020

Call For Papers - 4th  Cloud and Internet of Things 2020 conference - Niterói, Brazil


4th  Cloud and Internet of Things 2020 conference

October 07 - 09, 2020, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The fourth edition of Cloud and Internet of Things 2020 (CIoT’20) will be held from October 7, to October 9, 2020 in Niterói, Brazil. CIoT provides a high-quality international academic and industrial exchange forum for experts and scholars in the field of intelligent systems, cloud computing and Internet of Things.
CIoT’20 is a conference focusing on the challenges of deploying cloud-based and Internet of Things applications while considering the whole end-to-end architecture over the sixth generation of mobile networks (6G) and next-generation data center networking. The next generation of telecommunication networks is expected to support a growing number of smart terminals, such as cell phones and sensors, to provide real-time applications and to provide intelligence and trust embedded in network infrastructure. To meet these requirements, the 6G envisions the use of artificial intelligence, cloud, and IoT applications. The 6G network will absorb the billions of flows generated by things while considering the requested QoS and the cohabitation of M2M, M2H and H2M flows. Then, the flows will be processed in data centers and applications will exploit the extracted knowledge.

Authors are invited to submit original contributions that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be prepared using the IEEE 2-column conference style and are limited to 8 pages (full papers). They have to be submitted electronically in PDF format. Papers exceeding page limits, multiple submissions, and self-plagiarized papers will be rejected without further review. All other papers will sustain a thorough single-blind review process.

CIoT’20 will also held an industrial track. The industrial track gathers scholar and industrial participants in a venue for highlighting practical and real-world studies and applications of cloud and IoT technologies. This track aims to foster cooperation between participants engaged in scientific research and practitioners working to improve the development of new cloud and IoT applications. Each submission should describe the problem addressed, the approach used, the current state of the project, an evaluation of the benefits or lessons learned, and future developments. Submissions may be short papers (4 pages).

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline:June 15, 2020
Paper acceptance notification:August 15, 2020
Camera-ready paper submission deadline:September 4, 2020
Conference date: October 7-9, 2020

* 6G cellular networks (3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, etc.)
* Slicing solutions
* Cloud/ Fog solutions
* Smart Grid solutions
* Smart City solutions
* Industry 4.0 solutions
* Software Defined Network (SDN) for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Architecture and protocols for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Green communication for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Centralized and distributed systems for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Management system for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Security for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Routing/MAC for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Big data for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Testbed and experimental platforms for IoT/6G/Cloud
* Industrial solutions for IoT/6G/Cloud

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference 2020

The proposed conference intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate ongoing research for smart systems, sustainable and green energy technologies. This year the focus would be on the application of data science in smart grid and smart systems, Internet of Things, Sustainable and Secured Systems, Optimized Power Grids with Battery, and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Conference has the following topics:

Smart Systems

    Machine Learning for Smart Systems: Smart Building, Smart Campus, and Smart City
    Communication, Networking, and Digital Signal Processing
    Internet-of-things and Green Computation
    Smart Grid, Big Data, Security Cloud Computing
    Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Data-Driven Complex Systems for Intrusion, Detection, and Optimization

Green Energy and Power

    Safe and Resiliency through Community-Scale Micro-Grids
    Modeling Cyber-physical Smart Grids and Demand Response Management
    Energy Storage, Fuel Cell Technologies, and Trends
    Electrical Vehicles, Grid to Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
    Solar Power Systems, Energy and Water Management and Sustainability
    Secure and Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Smart Satellite and Aerospace Technology

    Cube satellite architecture and Space Communication
    Access to Space and Emerging Mission Capabilities
    Future Missions & Enabling Technologies for Space Exploration
    On-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal

2020 Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC), Call for Papers Long Beach, California, USA, November 2-3, 2020

Web -

EdgeDL 2020

SMARTCOMP is the premier IEEE conference on smart computing.

Smart computing is based on the synergistic combination of advances in Sensor-based technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems, Edge cloud computing, Big Data analytics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.

Smart computing is a multidisciplinary domain. Applications of smart computing can be found in different societal domains including, but not limited to, transportation, energy, environmental protection, smart and connected communities, healthcare, banking, entertainment, and social media. Algorithmic and system advancements of edge cloud computing, mobile/pervasive computing, cyber-physical systems, sensor networking and social computing are taking smart computing to a new dimension and improving our ways of living.

SMARTCOMP 2020 is the 6th edition of the conference and will be held in the historical city of Bologna, Italy, hosted by the University of Bologna, the holdest University of the western world. SMARTCOMP 2020 will include smart computing innovations pertaining to pervasive/ubiquitous computing, edge cloud computing, sensor networks, IoT, big data analytics, security and privacy, social computing, cognitive computing, cyber-physical systems and their application and validation within smart computing environments. This includes applications such as smart buildings, smart cities, smart grids, precision agriculture and other innovations contributing to smart living.


Future Smart Computing Paradigms
Models of Smart Environments
Algorithms for Smart Computing
AI and Machine Learning in Smart Computing
Edge computing algorithms


Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments
Middleware Platforms for Smart Environments
Mobile and Ubiquitous Platforms for Smart Environments
Cloud/Edge/Fog computing technologies for Smart Systems
Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT technologies for Smart Systems
Smart Networking Technologies
Security, Privacy, and Economics in Smart Environments


Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Smart Precision Agriculture
Smart Transportation
Smart FinTech
Smart Food-Energy-Water Nexus/Life-cycle analysis
Smart Health
Smart Communities
Smart Human Environments, Entertainment, and Social Activities
Smart Energy Management and Analytics

Call for Papers, 22-25 June 2020, Bologna, Italy
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