Wednesday, 19 February 2020


IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI Systems (ISVLSI 2020) - July 6-8, 2020 - Limassol, Cyprus -

ISVLSI 2020 explores emerging trends and novel ideas and concepts in the area of VLSI. The symposium covers a range of topics: from VLSI circuits, systems and design methods to system-level design and system-on-chip issues, to bringing VLSI experience to new areas and technologies such as security, artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems. The symposium will also emphasize future design methodologies and new CAD tools to support them as key topics. Over three decades ISVLSI has been a unique forum promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of VLSI, bringing together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry. The ISVLSI proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Selected papers from past editions have been subsequently published in special issues of top archival journals. ISVLSI has a good reputation of bringing together well-known international scientists as invited speaks. ISVLSI 2020 will  continue the momentum and carry forward these well-established trends for further growth of the symposium.

Contributions are sought in, but not limited to, the Following Tracks

1) Circuits, Reliability, and Fault-Tolerance (CRT): Analog/mixed-signal circuits design and testing, RF and communication circuits, design for testability and reliability, adaptive circuits, interconnects, static and dynamic defect-and fault-recoverability, and variation-aware design.

2) Computer-Aided Design and Verification (CAD): Hardware/software co-design, logic and behavioral synthesis, simulation and formal verification, physical design, signal integrity, power and thermal analysis , statistical approaches.

3) Digital Circuits and FPGA based Designs (DCF): Digital circuits, chaos/neural/fuzzy-logic circuits, high-speed/low-power circuits, energy efficient circuits, near and sub-threshold circuits, memories, FPGA designs, FPGA based systems.

4) Emerging and Post-CMOS Technologies (EPT): Nanotechnology, molecular electronics, quantum devices, optical computing, spin-based computing, biologically-inspired computing, CNT, SET, RTD, QCA, reversible logic, and CAD tools for emerging technology devices and circuits.

5) System Design and Security (SDS): Structured and Custom Design methodologies, microprocessors/micro-architectures for performance and low power, embedded processors, analog/digital/mixed-signal systems, NoC, power and temperature aware designs, Hardware security, Cryptography, watermarking, and IP protection, TRNG and security oriented circuits, PUF circuits.

6) VLSI for Applied and Future Computing (AFC): Neuromorphic and brain-inspired computing, quantum computing, circuits and architectures for machine learning and artificial intelligence, methodologies for on-chip learning, deep learning acceleration techniques, applications for and use-cases of learning systems, sensor and sensor network, electronics for Internet of Things and smart medical devices.

Important Dates:

    Paper Submission Deadline: EXTENDED: March 13, 2020
    Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2020
    Submission of Final Version: May 10, 2020

2020 AEIT International Annual Conference

2020 AEIT International Annual Conference - Catania, Italy, September 23-25, 2020 - Call for Papers

Technical Sponsorship of

* IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
* IEEE Italy Section
* Italy Section IA Chapter
* Italy (North) Section IE/IA/PEL Joint Chapter
* Italy Section PE Chapter

In recent years, interrelationships among energy and transportation infrastructures, telecommunications and computing technologies, are growing at a fast pace to provide further intelligence to vital technological systems. The ever-increasing dependence on electricity as a flexible energy carrier, the need for an intelligent and sustainable management of grids and decarbonization through electrification are creating tight interdependent energy systems. Big data, machine-learning applications, cloud computing and large bandwidth interconnections yield an accelerated technological progress, which supports the modern knowledge-based society paradigms and a revolution in the electrical sector. AEIT 2020 will be an international forum on the scientific and industrial challenges of the near future aiming to stimulate innovative entrepreneurial initiatives and increase competitiveness. The conference will host both technical and scientific contributions in the wide area of automation, electrical energy systems, and information and communication technologies. It will be the venue for hosting panels and speeches from national and international stakeholders to discuss effective strategies to enhance industry competitiveness, and lay the foundations of fruitful and innovative scientific initiatives.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Automotive
• Bioengineering & Healthcare
• Broadband Communications
• Cloud and Hybrid Systems
• Cyber-Physical Systems
• Cyber-Security
• Diagnostics
• Electrical Machines & Drives
• Electromagnetic Models & Simulation
• Energy Efficiency
• Energy Storage
• Internet of Things
• Measurements and Instrumentation
• MEMS & Smart Sensors
• Mobility and Electric Transportation
• Multi-carrier energy systems
• Nanoelectronics
• Photonics
• Power Electronics
• Power System Analysis and Control
• Power to X (P2X)
• Renewable Energy Sources
• Service continuity and Safety management
• Smart Cities
• Smart Grids
• Sustainability
• Telecommunications Services
• Transmission & Distribution of Electricity

Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2020


• Special Session proposal: February 28, 2020
• Tutorial proposal: February 28, 2020
• Paper submission: April 30, 2020
• Acceptance notification: June 15, 2020
• Final Manuscript and authors' registration: July 15, 2020

Monday, 10 February 2020

2020 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive

AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2020 Conference, after 4 successful editions, will be held on November, 18-20 to host regular papers in several areas of the multiform automotive and e-mobility fields.
The 5th AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2020) aims to be a solid reference of the technical community to present and discuss the most recent results of scientific and technological research for the automotive industry, with particular emphasis to applications and new trends. The Conference covers all aspects of the segment focusing on electrical vehicles, connected autonomous cars, special vehicles, and e-mobility.
AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2020 will bring together in an annual event, spread over 3 days, the Electrical and Electronic specialists, Mechanical and Systems Engineers, and the Information and Communication Technology specialists. The Steering and the Technical Program Committee include experts from the Academic world, Associations, Key Industrial Stakeholders and Regulatory Authorities.
AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2020 will be structured in 3 days with Scientific Sessions, including both lectures and poster sessions, Tutorials, Key-note Speeches, Round tables and Panel discussions, covering current electric automotive scenario with its national and international perspectives, development trends and the regulatory framework.
A Technical Exhibition with Industry attendance will be held.

1 Hybrid and electric powertrains and emission regulations
2 Energy infrastructures, fuel cells, and batteries
3 Advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving, safety and connectivity
4 Mobility, smart cities. energy grid, and communication networks
5 Power Electronics, Active and Passive Components, sensors and transducers

AEIT Automotive 2020 will host papers on:
• Evolution of the electrical car, from mild hybrid to full electrical traction
• Low emission regulations and high performance vehicles
• Battery progresses, performance and cost, fuel cells
• Electrical car autonomy and related recharging infrastructure - Smart grid involvement
• Connected cars: a major enabler for safety and traffic control
• Assisted and autonomous driving: technology, safety, ethical and social issues
• Erhical policies for assisted and autonomous driving: legal regulations
• Network and protocols related issues
• Interaction with smart city and mobility management
• Digital and analog sensors and Electronics for vehicle diagnostics and control, safety, assited driving and emerging applications
• Photonics, laser manufacturing, car lighting

Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2020

• Special Session proposal: February 28, 2020
• Preliminary paper submission: April 30, 2020
• Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2020
• Final Paper (Camera Ready): July 31, 2020

WOCC 2020

WOCC 2020 - The 29th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, May 1-2, 2020 -  Newark, NJ, USA
Web -

Wireless Communications Symposium 
- Radio access technologies (4G/5G/6G) and heterogeneous networks
- Novel antenna systems (wideband, extremely large aperture arrays), propagation, RF design and mmWave 
- Signal processing (transmission and reception) for sub-6GHz and mmWave
- Multiple antenna systems: massive MIMO, hybrid beamforming 
- Multi-cell cooperation and interference management
- Wireless networks: cross-layer design, security and services 
- Mobile ad-hoc and wireless sensor networks
- Spectrum sharing, spectrum management, and cognitive radio
- Green communications and networking: energy harvesting and energy efficiency
- Unmanned aerial vehicle communications, vehicular networks, and telematics
- IoT, M2M, sensor networks, and Ad-Hoc networking
- Wireless network modeling and performance analysis
- Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into wireless systems solutions and applications

Optical Communications and Photonics Symposium
- Optical communications for long-haul and metro networks
- Optical access networks for fixed and mobile services
- Optical interconnections for data center applications
- Software defined networking (SDN) for optical networks
- Optical networking for data center and computing applications
- Optical networking in 5G systems
- Fibers and fiber devices
- Optoelectronic devices, amplifiers, and lasers
- Nonlinear optics and nano-photonics
- Radio-over-fiber and microwave photonics
- Free space and visible light communications
- Optical sensors and networks

Networks Symposium
- Future internet and next-generation network architectures
- IoT device connection efficiency
- IoT security
- Access systems and networks
- Network virtualization and services
- Hybrid wireless-optical networks
- Network security, privacy, survivability, and network resilience strategies
- Provisioning, monitoring, and management of IP services 
- Overlay networks and P2P networking
- Social networking and computing
- Routing issues and technologies
- Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
- Software-defined networks
- Data center networks
- Information-centric networks
- Ad hoc and sensor networks
- Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability

Big Data and Emerging Technology Symposium
- Machine learning for communication and networking
- Big data visualization, algorithms, and systems for communication and networking
- Probabilistic and statistical models and theories for communication and networking
- Real-time coding, streaming of large volume interactive multimedia
- Cloud-based big data, IoT, and multimedia computing and communications
- Scalable data management for big data and IoT
- Big data analytics and machine learning for network managements
- Big data analytics and machine learning for QoS improvements in communications and networking
- Big data analytics and machine learning for self-organized networks
- Big data analytics and machine learning for adaptive and accurate resource allocation

Full paper submission due (final):  2/16/2020
Notification of acceptance (final):  3/2/2020
Camera ready full paper submission due:  4/1/2020

2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication Theory

IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 - Communication Theory Symposium, 7-11 December 2020 //Taipei, Taiwan

Web -

Key dates:
Paper Submission:  15 April 2020
Notification: 25 July 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: 1 September 2020

NTMS 2020

11th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 6-8 July 2020, Paris, France
Web -

NTMS'2020 is the Tenth IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security that will be held from 6 to 8 July 2020 in Paris, France. NTMS'2020 aims at fostering advances in the areas of New Technologies, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Ad hoc and Ambient Networks, QoS, Network Security and E-commerce, to mention a few, and provides a dynamic forum for researchers, students and professionals to present their state-of-the-art research and development in these interesting areas.

The event will be combined with tutorial sessions and workshops. Tutorials will precede the main program, aiming at the dissemination of mature knowledge and technology advances in the field. Two or more Workshops will immediately follow the main conference, offering the opportunity for a more focused exchange of ideas and presentation of on-going research relevant to following tracks (More information and the full call-for-papers can be found on the conference web):

Track 1 : Mobility & Wireless networks

- Beyond 3G, 4G, LTE, and WiMAX Networks
- Wireless Local Area Networks
- Wireless Personal Area Networks
- Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks
- Wireless Vehicular Networks
- Cognitive Radio Networks
- Satellite Networks
- Self-organizing and Re-configurable Wireless Networks
- Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Solutions
- Wireless MAC Protocols
- Scheduling Techniques for Wireless Networks
- Wireless QoS Routing Algorithms
- Radio Resource Allocation and Management
- Cross-layer Design and Optimization in Wireless Networks
- Clustering, Topology Control, Coverage and Connectivity
- Cooperation and Relaying in Wireless Networks
- Analysis, Simulation and Performance Evaluation
- Integration of Heterogeneous Mobile, Wireless and Wire-line Radio Access Networks
- Mobility, Location Management and Handover Techniques for Wireless Mobile Networks
- Multimedia over Wireless and Mobile Systems
- Power-aware Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless/Mobile Networks
- Wireless Services and Middleware Platforms
- Green Radio Communications
- Measurements, Testbeds and Deployment of Wireless Systems

Track 2: Security
Thematic areas:
- Security engineering. Methodologies, formalisms, modeling, tools, code instrumentation
- Cryptography. Algorithms, protocols, attacks
- Security in distributed systems.
- Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems.
- Light-weight cryptography.
- Information Hiding.
- Steganography
- Privacy and Anonymity.
- Security assurance. Evaluation, testing, formal proofs, certification.
- Quantum Cryptography and QKD.
- Trusted computing. Analyses and attacks, practical applications...
- Surveillance and monitoring. Intrusion detection, monitoring techniques, architectures,...
- Infrastructure. Middleware, proxies, PKIs, AAAs, SSO, credentials...
- Social and psychological aspects of security. User-centered security evaluation, perception of security and threats...
- Security and usability.

Application areas:
- Service Oriented Computing. Platform security, access control, Security of the SOC processes (Negotiation, Orchestration),
Identification of services...
- Cloud computing. Platform security, data protection, software protection, surveillance and dynamic reaction.
- Ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing and ambient intelligence
- Secure system models, development support, dynamic reaction, self-systems
- Embedded systems. Dynamic replaceability, system security assessment, secure system composition, tampering-resistance...
- Security in system evolution. Design for secure evolution, evolution-oriented surveillance, security patches...
- Critical infrastructures. Protection architectures, redundancy and replication, scalability issues...

Track 3: New Technologies & services
- New generation Internet, Post IP and IPv6
- NGN architectures, protocols and services management and delivery
- Web 2.0 applications and IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystems)
- Next generation systems & Service-oriented techniques
- IPTV and content distribution networks
- User-centric networking and services
- multimedia indexing and retrieval
- Personalized access to media systems
- Context/content-aware services
- Smart Homes and E-Health
- Web Commerce & Services, Data models, Web searching & querying
- Web Mining & Web Semantics
- Web service based Grid computing and P2P computing
- Advanced identification techniques (Biometrics, RFID, etc.)
- Virtualization technologies for grid and parallel computing.
- Interactive media, voice and video, games, immersive applications
- Network virtualization, virtual private networks (VPN), and services
- VoIP protocols and services
- Content-based networking: caching, distribution, load balancing, resiliency
- Mobile/wireless content distribution